
These posts are about new features provided to you in the Jigsaw blog starter template.

February 17, 2020

Custom 404 Pages

This starter template includes a custom 404 Not Found error page, located at /source/404.blade.php. To preview the 404 page, you can visit /404 in your browser....


February 17, 2020

Mailchimp Newsletters

Mailchimp is a fantastic marketing platform, and takes the pain out of managing email lists and campaigns. The blog starter template comes with a beautiful pre-built newsletter form, that only needs...


February 17, 2020

Fuse Search

To provide fast, local search of your blog, this starter template comes with a pre-built Vue.js component that uses Fuse.js. Fuse.js is a "lightweight fuzzy-search library with no dependencies." It...


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